Children’s Massage

Massage for 5 – 17 year olds

Children can benefit from massage therapy just as much as adults. It’s a therapy that can help alleviate stress, pain, and anxiety and improve sleep quality, amongst other things.

Students with academic pressures, such as studying for GCSEs, can come to us for some relaxation and time out, or for a chance to relieve headaches or revive some brain cells! Studying can also lead to postural tension, which can be helped by massage therapy.

Sporty or very active children may benefit from having treatment for tense or stressed muscles, and if a child is experiencing social or family-related problems, massage therapy may help regulate imbalanced anxiety and stress levels.



Overall benefits of children’s massage may include:

Boosting children’s immune systems
Improving sleep quality
Easing tense/stressed muscles
Reducing headaches
Lowering anxiety